Communication is Power
Communication is said to be as fluid as a stream of water. It can come in several different shapes and forms for the thousands of different types of people that use it. Some of the basics include visual, written, auditory, and verbal communication. There are even cases where you can identify with more than one form of communication. Then, even if you identify with more than one form, you may still connect to one more than the others. One thing that needs to be understood is that, each person is different. There is no specific way that one should communication. There is beauty in it, honestly. Visual communication is a form that numerous people find they respond to the best, especially when combined with auditory communication. It connects to people because they are able to see and hear something being explained. That way if they do not understand something visually then they can rely on the auditory version to help them and vice versa. A good example of this is when your mom is calling. You can be in your room and your mom is in the kitchen and you hear her call you. Let’s be honest, if she only calls you once and she is not somewhere near you where she can see you and you see her, then you probably aren’t in a hurry to respond to her. The difference comes when she comes into your mom and calls you. Here, we have both visual and auditory communication. You are both hearing her call and seeing her. Images are a huge part of expressing your message visually. Images can be used to demonstrate an action or to even unveil a new product. Humans have the tendency to connect images to words, actions, feelings or even brands/companies. Images are a necessity if someone/something wants people to connect their “product” to a certain feeling. These images can be symbols as well. There are brands/companies that understand this concept and use it to their advantage. Such, companies include Nike, Target and Dove. Especially recently, Nike has been using visuals to their advantage with their ad that was just released with Colin Kaepernick. It has created discussion about the company, whether it be good or bad to the point where it is now shining light on the group. Target’s visuals is another set that outshine a lot of the rest. When coming into connect with red and white and/or a target symbol the immediate thought is the store Target. Target has taking our visual understanding of the colors and symbols and tied it to their store. Lastly, Dove has perfected the art of demonstrating how you use their product through visuals. Their commercials explain how use the product, how it reacts to the skin, and then tops it all off by showing the viewer how people feel about the use of the product. Visually, communication is an extremely powerful thing that can be used to control several different aspects of our life.
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